Computer Based Test Software
Computer Based Testing
It's a term commonly used for online exam. Now a days, most educational institutes are resorting to on line exams for convenience and necessity. With advent of internet and the computing power reaching every house hold, online education has come to stay in the main stream of schools, colleges, and universities.
The generic name used for online learning and testing is "Learning Management System" or simply LMS. There are several LMS platforms available on the Internet, some open source and some available at some premium. Depending on the organizational requirements, one may go through the available LMS software products and choose the one that is suitable.
The LMS systems that are available with Anand Software and Training: Currently, there are two LMS platforms available with Anand Software and Training. These are,
1. Computer Based Test (CBT), and
2. Learning and Assessment Software (LAAS)
CBT is a lighter version of LAAS, that the former will have Exam Engine and Author Engine. The author engine is responsible for populating the question and answer database and arranging the question bank in desired order. The Exam engine is responsible for delivery of exam to the end point. The important features that needs to be looked into while shopping for a Computer Based Testing platform are:
1. Content type supported, that is whether the content in various formats is supported or not. For example, if the content type pdf is not supported, it might become a bottle neck for some authors.
2. Content delivery: Preferable, the exam should not be interrupted due to online/foffline status of a computer. If the organization wants to run the exam in off line mode, it should also be supported.
3. Anti cheating methods: For tern end exams, etc. it is important to ensure that the student/candidate has not cheated or got undue advantage due to online nature of the exam. For this pupose proctored exams are preferred. You can also expect tools such as remote screen capture, geo location capture, and image capture.
4. Restart where it left after power cycle: It is important that due to any reason there is a brownout or blackout, the test should restart from where it was interrupted.
5. Ability to store results in local and remote computers: It is needed to capture the results in local as well as the remote server (web server) for analysis.
6. Detailed stats: One should be able to get detailed statistics reports such as correct answers, incorrect answers, un-answered questions, and the time taken for answered/unanswered/wrongly answered questions etc. These will help in identifiying the weak areas.
Check out the features available with anand software's CBT software features.
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